


  1. to cut (to split using a sharp instrument)
  2. to cut (to split using a sharp instrument)
  3. to cut (to split using a sharp instrument)
  4. to cut (to split using a sharp instrument)
  5. to cut (to remove or reduce a supply or provision)
  6. to cross; to cut through (to have its course within)
  7. to cross; to intersect (to form an intersection with)
  8. to cut (to erase data such that it is moved to the clipboard)
  9. to divide a recently shuffled deck into two sets
  10. to interrupt (to halt an ongoing process)
  11. to intercept (to get the ball while it is being passed)
  12. to overtake and move in front of another vehicle suddenly
  13. to turn (to rotate and move to a perpendicular direction)
  14. to get one's hair cut; to get a haircut.

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Mas   finalmente   o
  comerciante   apareceu e   pediu   ao   menino
  para   cortar   quatro
  ovelhas .

Но наконец появился торговец? И попросил мальчика порезать четырех овец.
