


  1. to pass (to receive a sufficient mark so as not to fail on a test) [+ na (accusative) = what subject/department]
  2. to pass (to receive a sufficient mark so as to continue education in the next semester or year)
  3. to turn over, to hand over, to surrender (to officially transfer to someone i.e. an object or position) [+dative = to whom]
  4. used as a light verb
  5. to refer (to rely on someone for something) [+ na (accusative) = to whom]
  6. to be good for (to be useful in a particular situation) [+ do (genitive)] or [+ na (accusative) = for what]
  7. to seem, to appear (to give a particular impression) [+instrumental = as whom/what], [+dative = to whom], [+infinitive = to be/do]

Произносится как (IPA)

From z- + dać.


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