


third-person plural virile past of iść

Произносится как (IPA)

  1. to go; to walk
  2. to go, to attend [+ do (genitive)] or [+ na (accusative) = what]
  3. to go after, to follow (to imitate in one's actions or thoughts)
  4. to go, to move
  5. to go (to move from sender to receiver)
  6. to go; to spread
  7. to go, to lead (to connect two points in space)
  8. to go; to be published; to be shown
  9. to go (to take place in particular manner)
  10. (colloquial) to come along (to not cause difficulties for someone) [+dative = for whom]
  11. to run (to operate as normal)
  12. (colloquial) to go to (to be for a particular goal) [+ na (accusative) = to what]
  13. to go; to be taken (to take place in a particular order)
  14. to count, to number in (to measure a certain amount) [+ w (accusative) = in the what]
  15. to go for (to decide on something in a given situation) [+ na (accusative) = for what]
  16. (colloquial) to sell like hot cakes
  17. to mean, to be on about; to have in mind [+dative = who, i.e. the subject of the English sentence] [+ o (accusative) = (about) who or what/what in mind]
  18. to go, to leave


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Szli   obok   siebie nie   mówiąc   wcale .

Они шли бок о бок, не говоря уже о.

" Daję   panu   słowo że   przez   całą   drogę   ojciec
  córka   szli   przed   nami ."

«Я даю вам слово, что мой отец и дочь пошли впереди нас».

  teraz   oto   szli   znikąd  —  donikąd .

И теперь они вышли из ниоткуда - нигде.
