


  1. inflection of staan: ## first-person singular present indicative ## (dated or formal) singular present subjunctive ## imperative
  2. inflection of staan: ## first-person singular present indicative ## (dated or formal) singular present subjunctive ## imperative
  3. inflection of staan: ## first-person singular present indicative ## (dated or formal) singular present subjunctive ## imperative


  1. to stand, to be upright
  2. to be, to be placed or located
  3. Forms a continuous aspect. Although it carries an implication of standing, this is vague and is not strictly required or emphasized.
  4. to be present, have a stand or location
  5. to say, to be written, to be said (to be indicated in written form)
  6. to suit, fit, befit (of clothing)
  7. Indicates a prospective outcome, or something that will happen in the near future


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