


third-person plural past historic of faire

Произносится как (IPA)


  1. to do
  2. to make
  3. to say (of a person), to go (of an animal)
  4. to make (cause someone or something to do something)
  5. to act like (something)
  6. to be (of the weather or various situations)
  7. to do, to make (oneself)
  8. to be, to get (used for a passive action)
  9. to ripen (of fruit), to mature
  10. to become used to, to get used to
  11. (slang) to do (to have sex with)
  12. (informal) to defecate; (metaphorically) to shit oneself (to be terrified)
  13. to become, to get


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Les   jeunes   garçons   firent   ce que   leur   conseillait  Will Mitz.

Молодые мальчики сделали то, что Миц посоветовал им.
