


plural of technology


  1. The combined application of science and art in practical ways in industry, as for example in designing new machines.
  2. Machines or equipment thus designed.
  3. Any useful skill or mechanism that humans have developed or invented (including in prescientific eras).
  4. Any useful trait that has evolved in any organism.
  5. The study of or a collection of techniques.
  6. A discourse or treatise on the arts.


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Horizontal   transfer   is   the   movement   of   technologies   from   one   area   to   another .

Горизонтальная передача - это движение технологий из одной области в другую.

Ball   Aerospace   and   Technologies   Corporation   in   Boulder Colorado designed   and   built   the   spacecraft .

Ball Aerospace and Technologies Corporation в Боулдере, штат Колорадо, разработала и построила космический корабль.
