


  1. Anything that points or is used for pointing.
  2. One who points.
  3. A teacher's pointer, pointing stick, a rod with an arrow.
  4. A needle-like component of a timepiece or measuring device that indicates the time or the current reading of the device.
  5. A breed of hunting dog, trained to point out game.
  6. A variable that holds the address of a memory location where a value can be stored.
  7. An icon that indicates the position of the pointing device, such as a mouse.
  8. A tip, a bit of advice.
  9. Something that gives a point (sharp end) to something.
  10. Something worth a given number of points.

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But   Luther  Head's  three   pointer   bounced   high   and   out .

Но три указателя Лютера Хеды подпрыгнули высоко и вышли.
