


  1. A number of things that follow on one after the other or are connected one after the other.
  2. A television or radio program which consists of several episodes that are broadcast in regular intervals
  3. The sequence of partial sums ∑ᵢ₌₁ⁿa_i of a given sequence aᵢ.
  4. A group of matches between two sides, with the aim being to win more matches than the opposition.
  5. An unranked taxon.
  6. A subdivision of a genus, a taxonomic rank below that of section (and subsection) but above that of species.
  7. A parcel of rough diamonds of assorted qualities.
  8. A set of consonants that share a particular phonetic or phonological feature.

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Costs not
  unlike   the   senior   series were   getting out  of control .

Затраты, мало чем отличались от серии старших, выходили из -под контроля.

The   group   demanded   Bakshi   be   removed   from   production   of   the   series .

Группа потребовала, чтобы Бакши был удален из производства серии.

Jarrett   has   not
  competed   in   the   series   since .

Джарретт не участвовал в серии с тех пор.

Note:  All   series   were   co-produced   with   Universal   Animation   Studios .

Примечание: все серии были совместно продюсированы с универсальными анимационными студиями.
