
Значение (Английский)

  1. Me, as direct or indirect object the speaker as the object of a verb or preposition, when the speaker is also the subject.
  2. Personally, for my part; used in apposition to I, sometimes for simple emphasis and sometimes with implicit exclusion of any others performing the activity described.
  3. In my normal state of body or mind.
  4. Me (as the object of a verb or preposition).
  5. I (as the subject of a verb).
  6. my name is...


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Этимология (Английский)

From Middle English myself, meself, from Old English mē selfum and similar phrases, equivalent to me + self, later partly reinterpreted as my + self / -self. Cognate with Scots mysel, mysell (“myself”), West Frisian mysels (“myself”), Dutch mijzelf (“myself”), German mich selbst, mir selbst (“myself”), Norwegian Bokmål meg selv (“myself”).

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An user
I   myself   heard   nothing   of   that .

Я сам ничего не слышал об этом.

An user
For   about   six   years   I   managed   to   control   myself .

В течение шести лет мне удалось контролировать себя.

An user
Used to   hunt   rabbits   there   myself .

Используется самому охотиться на кроликов.
