


  1. More than half (50%) of some group.
  2. In a parliament or legislature, the difference in seats between the ruling party and the opposition; (UK) in an election, the difference in votes between the winning candidate and the second-place candidate.
  3. Legal adulthood, age of majority.
  4. The office held by a member of the armed forces in the rank of major.
  5. Ancestors; ancestry.

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The   majority   of   these   stores   have   since   been   rebranded   as   Vision   Express .

Большинство этих магазинов с тех пор были переименованы как Vision Express.

The   majority   of   the   companies   are   catered   for   the   Seniors   Programme .

Большинство компаний обслуживают программу пожилых людей.
