


  1. Actions performed to keep some machine or system functioning or in service.
  2. A tort and (in some jurisdictions) an offence committed when a third party who does not have a bona fide interest in a lawsuit provides help or acquires an interest to a litigant's lawsuit.
  3. Alimony, a periodical payment or a lump sum made or ordered to be made to a spouse after a divorce.
  4. Child support.
  5. Money required or spent to provide for the needs of a person or a family.
  6. The natural process which keeps an organism alive.

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The   tasks   of   maintenance   and   operations   were   assigned   to the   whites .

Задачи технического обслуживания и операций были назначены белым.

Maintenance   tasks   such as   mowing   and   plowing   were   performed   by   the   city

Задачи на техническое обслуживание, такие как косить и вспашка, были выполнены городом.
