


  1. Physical motion between points in space.
  2. A system or mechanism for transmitting motion of a definite character, or for transforming motion, such as the wheelwork of a watch.
  3. The impression of motion in an artwork, painting, novel etc.
  4. A trend in various fields or social categories, a group of people with a common ideology who try together to achieve certain general goals.
  5. A large division of a larger composition.
  6. Melodic progression, accentual character, tempo or pace.
  7. An instance of an aircraft taking off or landing.
  8. The deviation of a pitch from ballistic flight.
  9. A pattern in which pairs change opponents and boards move from table to table in duplicate bridge.
  10. An act of emptying the bowels.
  11. (obsolete) Motion of the mind or feelings; emotion.

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  becomes   involved   with   the   Labour Party   and   the   union   movement .

Он становится связанным с лейбористской партией и Союзом движения.

  relies   on
  quick   strikes good
  movement and   a
  very good   view   on
  punishment .

Кинг полагается на быстрые удары, хорошее движение и очень хороший взгляд на наказание.

Horizontal   transfer   is   the   movement   of   technologies   from   one   area   to   another .

Горизонтальная передача - это движение технологий из одной области в другую.

  and   mend   the   schism   in   the   Theosophical   Movement .

Судить и исправить раскол в теософском движении.
