


plural of formula


  1. Any mathematical rule expressed symbolically.
  2. A symbolic expression of the structure of a compound.
  3. A plan or method for dealing with a problem or for achieving a result.
  4. A formulation; a prescription; a mixture or solution made in a prescribed manner; the identity and quantities of ingredients of such a mixture.
  5. A formal statement of doctrine.
  6. Ellipsis of infant formula; drink given to babies to substitute for mother's milk.
  7. A syntactic expression of a proposition, built up from quantifiers, logical connectives, variables, relation and operation symbols, and, depending on the type of logic, possibly other operators such as modal, temporal, deontic or epistemic ones.


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For   computer
  use the   following   formulas   for   the   doomsday   of a   year   are   convenient .

Для использования в компьютере удобны следующие формулы для суда года.
