


  1. That to which any person or thing is destined; a predetermined state; a condition predestined by the Divine or by human will.
  2. That which is inevitable in the fullness of time.
  3. One's eventual fate (not necessarily inevitable or predestined).
  4. The fixed order of things; invincible necessity; an irresistible power or agency conceived of as determining the future, whether in general or of an individual.

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They   were   fascinating  stories:  each   of   them   lived   out   his   destiny   to the  end

Это были захватывающие истории: каждый из них до конца прожил свою судьбу.

To   realize   one's   destiny   is   a
 person's  only   real   obligation .

Осознание своей судьбы - единственное реальное обязательство человека.
