


  1. The body with the power to make and/or enforce laws to control a country, land area, people or organization.
  2. The relationship between a word and its dependents.
  3. The state and its administration viewed as the ruling political power.
  4. The management or control of a system.
  5. The tenure of a head of government; the ministry or administration led by a specified individual.
  6. In a parliamentary system, the political party or coalition in power, as opposed to the opposition; the state of being in power.
  7. The team tasked with presenting and speaking in favour of a resolution, as opposed to the opposition.
  8. Ellipsis of government name, one's legal name according to a government.

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The   government   head   of   its   legal   wing
  is   the   Attorney General   of   India

Глава правительства его юридического крыла является Генеральным прокурором Индии.

Memotech  did   not
  receive   funding   they   expected   from   the   British
  government   for   this   project .

Memotech не получил финансирования, которое они ожидали от британского правительства для этого проекта.

  later   investigation   by   the   Rwandan
  government   blamed   Hutu   extremists   in   the   Rwandan
  army .

Позднее расследование правительства Руанды обвинило экстремистов Хуту в Руандийской армии.
