


  1. A group of people within hearing; specifically, a large gathering of people listening to or watching a performance, speech, etc.
  2. Hearing; the condition or state of hearing or listening.
  3. A widespread or nationwide viewing or listening public, as of a TV or radio network or program.
  4. A formal meeting with a state or religious dignitary.
  5. The readership of a book or other written publication.
  6. A following.
  7. An audiencia (judicial court of the Spanish empire), or the territory administered by it.

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Modern   poi   coexists   with   traditional   Maori   poi   and   enjoys   a
  broader worldwide   audience .

Современный POI сосуществует с традиционной маори POI и наслаждается более широкой, всемирной аудиторией.
