


  1. The act of conveying; carrying.
  2. Means of conveyance.
  3. A (mostly four-wheeled) lighter vehicle chiefly designed to transport people, generally drawn by horse power.
  4. A railroad car
  5. The manner or posture in which one holds or positions a body part, such as one's arm or head.
  6. A manner of walking and moving in general; how one carries oneself, bearing, gait.
  7. One's behaviour, or way of conducting oneself towards others.
  8. The part of a typewriter supporting the paper.
  9. A shopping cart.
  10. A stroller; a baby carriage.
  11. The charge made for conveying (especially in the phrases carriage forward, when the charge is to be paid by the receiver, and carriage paid).
  12. That which is carried, baggage

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However some   carriage   bodies   were   sold   to   local   farmers .

Тем не менее, некоторые перевозки были проданы местным фермерам.

  was   no more   exciting   than   an   overturned   carriage   or   a
  blown   across   the   road

Это было не более захватывающе, чем перевернутая карета или дерево, взорванное по дороге.

  pushing   a
  carriage   peruses   the   goods   sold   at   a
  store .

Человек, толкающий перевозку, просматривает товары, проданные в магазине.
