


  1. A personification of the wind from the east.
  2. The Eastern world; the regions, primarily situated in the Eastern Hemisphere, whose culture is derived from Arabia, India, Persia or China.
  3. The Eastern Bloc; the eastern countries of Europe.
  4. the Soviet Union and its socialist allies during the Cold War.
  5. The eastern states of the United States.
  6. The eastern part of any region.
  7. A civil parish of Kings County, Prince Edward Island, Canada.
  8. A surname.

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East   Prospect   is   served   by   the   Eastern   York   School District .

Восточный проспект обслуживается Восточным школьным округом.

Such   contest   between   federal   governing   parties   has   previously   only   happened   in   East   Malaysia

Такой конкурс между федеральными руководящими партиями ранее произошел только в Восточной Малайзии.
