


  1. inflection of werden: ## first-person singular present ## first/third-person singular subjunctive I ## singular imperative
  2. inflection of werden: ## first-person singular present ## first/third-person singular subjunctive I ## singular imperative
  3. inflection of werden: ## first-person singular present ## first/third-person singular subjunctive I ## singular imperative

Произносится как (IPA)


  1. will; to be going (to do something); forms the future tense
  2. would; forms the subjunctive tense of most verbs
  3. to be done; forms the passive voice
  4. to become; to get; to grow; to turn
  5. to begin or come to feel or experience (a condition)
  6. (colloquial) to be, to happen, to occur (in the future)
  7. (colloquial) to be going to work


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Am   ersten   Tag   werde   ich   Sie   immer wieder   darauf   hinweisen .

В первый день я всегда буду указать на них.

Mit   den   soeben  dargelegten  Anmerkungen   werde   ich   dem   Bericht  Kokkola  zustimmen .

С только что представленными комментариями, я согласен с отчетом Кокколы.
