


  1. inflection of hören: ## third-person singular present ## second-person plural present ## plural imperative
  2. inflection of hören: ## third-person singular present ## second-person plural present ## plural imperative
  3. inflection of hören: ## third-person singular present ## second-person plural present ## plural imperative


  1. to hear (to perceive sounds (or a sound) through the ear)
  2. to listen to, pay attention to (to give (someone) one's attention)
  3. to attend, to go to, to sit in on
  4. to get, to receive
  5. to listen (to pay attention to a sound or speech; to accept advice or obey instruction)
  6. to hear (to receive information; to come to learn)
  7. to hear (to be contacted (by))


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Ihr   hört   jetzt   beide   auf
  damit !

Вы оба останавливаетесь с этим!

Von   dort   hört   Helga   nichts   mehr   von   ihrem   geliebten   Werner .

Оттуда Хельга ничего не слышит от своего любимого Вернера.
