


  1. inflection of handeln: ## third-person singular present ## second-person plural present ## plural imperative
  2. inflection of handeln: ## third-person singular present ## second-person plural present ## plural imperative
  3. inflection of handeln: ## third-person singular present ## second-person plural present ## plural imperative


  1. to act; to take action
  2. to negotiate; to bargain; to haggle
  3. to trade in; to deal; to sell [+ mit (object)]
  4. to trade
  5. to tip as; to take into consideration as being
  6. to discuss; to deal with; to write or speak about [+ von (object)]
  7. to be about; to deal with
  8. to be, to be a case of, to be a matter of (Often used to introduce the subject before giving it a name, or to indicate some uncertainty regarding exact amounts. Literally: it itself has to do with ...) [+ um (object)]


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Abby  begreift dass   es   sich   dabei   um   ihr   Baby
  handelt das   bald
  geboren   wird .

Эбби понимает, что это ее ребенок, который скоро родится.

Es   handelt   sich   hier   wirklich   um   eine   wichtige   Aussprache .

Это действительно важное произношение.

Hauptsächlich   handelt   es   sich   dabei   um  „ normale “  Haustiere   wie   Hunde Katzen Kaninchen
  oder   Meerschweinchen .

В основном это «нормальные» домашние животные, такие как собаки, кошки, кролики или морские свинки.
