
Значение (Английский)

first/third-person plural preterite of kommen




  1. (class-4,intransitive,strong) to come; to arrive
  2. (class-4,intransitive,strong) to come to; to come over (go somewhere so as to join someone else)
  3. (class-4,intransitive,strong) to get; to make it (go somewhere in a way that implies an obstacle or difficulty to be overcome)
  4. (class-4,intransitive,strong) to go to; to be put in (go somewhere in a way that is predetermined or prearranged)
  5. (class-4,imperative,intransitive,often,strong) to come on (used to encourage someone)
  6. (class-4,impersonal,intransitive,strong) to occur; to happen; to come to be
  7. (class-4,impersonal,strong) to be played (of a song or film)
  8. (class-4,intransitive,strong) to be due to; to be the result of
  9. (class-4,intransitive,strong) to come from (to have a social or geographic background)
  10. (class-4,intransitive,strong) to orgasm; to cum
  11. (class-4,impersonal,strong) to orgasm; for there to be cumming [with dative ‘by someone’] (idiomatically translated by English cum with the dative object as the subject)
  12. (class-4,intransitive,strong) to be statistically equivalent to; to be there for
  13. (class-4,intransitive,strong) to obtain (a solution or result)
  14. (class-4,intransitive,strong) to get an idea; to think of; to remember; to imagine
  15. (class-4,intransitive,strong) to lose; to forfeit; not to get
  16. (class-4,intransitive,strong) to touch inadvertently
  17. (class-4,intransitive,strong) to manage to reach (something high up etc.)
  18. (class-4,informal,intransitive,strong) to come up with, to mention, cite, suggest
  19. (class-4,colloquial,copulative,strong) to turn out

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Im   Alter   kamen   die  Kriegserinnerungen  wieder
  hoch   und   machten   sie
  psychisch   fertig .

Военные воспоминания снова появились в старости и заканчивали их умственно.

Hinzu   kamen   Klagen   von   geschädigten   Firmen .

Кроме того, были жалобы со стороны поврежденных компаний.

Hinzu   kamen   Verbände   für   Jugendliche Frauen   und   zahlreiche   andere   Gruppen .

Были также ассоциации для молодежи, женщин и многих других групп.

Im   Rahmen   der  Haldern  Pop   Tour   kamen   sie
  auch   erstmals   nach   Deutschland .

В рамках тура Haldern Pop они также приехали в Германию впервые.

Dazu   kamen   Studien   über   Diuretika   und  Herzglykoside.

Были также исследования по диуретикам и гликозидам сердца.

Banden-  und  Drogenprobleme  in   der   Umgebung   kamen   hinzu .

Банды и проблемы с наркотиками в этом районе были добавлены.
