


Hifenizado como
Pronunciado como (IPA)


  1. to see; to observe (to perceive with one’s eyes)
  2. to see (to be able to see; not to be blind or blinded)
  3. to see; to understand
  4. to see; to notice; to realise (to come to a conclusion)
  5. to check (to verify some fact or condition)
  6. to check with (to consult [someone] for information)
  7. to watch (to be part of the audience of a visual performance or broadcast)
  8. to see; to visit
  9. to pay (to face negative consequences)
  10. to find oneself (to be in a given situation, especially unexpectedly)
  11. (Brazil,informal) to get used when ordering something from a waiter or attendant


  1. to wear; to don (to have an item of clothing on oneself)
  2. to put on (to put an item of clothing on oneself)
  3. to get dressed (to put clothes on oneself)
  4. to dress; to clothe (to put clothes on someone)
  5. to dress someone with a given type of fabric or material


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