Palavras e frases
first-person singular preterite indicative of pegar
- wood (substance making up the central part of the trunk and branches of a tree)
- wood (the wood of a particular species of tree)
- a piece of timber
- woodwind instrument
- of (in relation to)
- of (in relation to)
- of (in relation to)
- of (in relation to)
- of (in relation to)
- of (in relation to)
- of (in relation to)
- of (in relation to)
- of (in relation to)
- of; -en (made or consisting of)
- of; -en (made or consisting of)
- of; -en (made or consisting of)
- of; -en (made or consisting of)
- of (introduces the noun that applies a given adjective or past participle)
- from (born in or coming out of)
- by means of; by
- as (in the role of)
- in (wearing)
birch (any of various trees of the genus Betula)
- and (connects two clauses indicating that the events occurred together, one after the other or without any special implication)
- and (connects the last and penultimate elements in a list)
- and (connects every element of a list)
- and (indicates a conjunction operation)
- and (indicates a great number of something)
Contraction of em uma (“in a (feminine)”): feminine singular of num
- shelf
- rack (series of shelves)
first-person singular preterite indicative of trabalhar