Tragedia en tres actes y en vers
Tragedy in three acts and in verses
Àngel Guimerà
Àngel Guimerà
`Aquest text ha estat digitalitzat i processat per l'Institut d'Estudis Catalans, com a part del projecte Corpus Textual Informatitzat de la Llengua Catalana.`
`This text has been digitised and processed by the Institut d 'Estudis Catalans, as part of the Corpus Textual Informatised de la Llengua Catalana project.`
(La acció en la Anatolia l'any 1022.)
(The action in Anatolia in the year 1022.)
Acte primer
(Gran sala del trono. A una banda y altra arcadas. Las de la dreta
conduheixen á fora del palau. Las de la esquerra á las cambras
imperials. Al fons lo trono, al que s'hi puja per una ampla escala de
molts grahons.)
(Great throne room. On one side and on the other side. Those on the right lead out of the palace. Those on the left to the imperial chambers. At the bottom is the throne, which is climbed by a wide ladder of many grahons.)
Escena primera
(L'abat de Sant Thimur y'l caballer Livani. Aquest ve del interior del
Palau. L'Abat de l'altra banda.)
(The abbot of Sant Thimur and the knight Livani. This one comes from inside the Palace. The Abbot on the other side.)
Abat: Vos sou, m'apar, lo caballer Livani.
Abbot: You are, I am, the knight Livani.
Livani: Y vos l'Abat de Sant Thimur.
Livani: And you, the Abbot of Sant Thimur.
Abat: Diguéume: hont se troba Nicéfor?
Abbot: Diguéume: hont is Nicefor?
Livani: En sa cambra voltat de sos fidels que l'aconhortan.
Livani: En sa cambra voltat de sos fidelos que la aconhortan.
Abat: Donchs escoltéu. Jo per tothom arribo del monastir; per vos vinch
de Bisanci.
Abbot: Donchs listen to you. I come from the monastic for everyone; for you vinch from Byzantium.
Livani: Més baix, l'abat, per Deu, que si us sentissin!…
Livani: Lower, the abbot, by God, than if they heard you!...
Abat: Avuy, que demá no. Demá nosaltres serém la lley; que duch l'orde
suprema conferintme'l gobern de l'Anatolia vensut que siga'l vil traydor
Nicéfor rera l'últim combat que be s'acosta.
Abat: Avuy, not tomorrow. Tomorrow we will be the lley; that duch the supreme order conferring on me the government of Anatolia come what may be the vile traveller Nikefor was the last combat that is approaching.
Livani: Si s'acosta!… Miréu: lo sol devalla: ans que torni á aixecarse,
á aquesta vila voltarán los exércits de Bisanci que venen triomfadors.
De des las torras se'ls ha vist avansar per las fondurias.
Livani: It's coming!... Look: the sun is devastated: until it rises again, the armies of Byzantium that are coming triumphant will return to this town. From the towers they have been seen advancing through the fondurias.
Abat: Fa tres anys que va alsarse en pes la terra á favor de Nicéfor.
Miréu ara!
Abbot: It has been three years since the earth was weighted in favor of Nicephorus. Look now!
Livani: Ara li restan aquets murs d'argila y ben pochs cors lleals. Per
ço gemega tremolant com un nin l'odiós fantasma.
Livani: Now these clay walls and very few loyal hearts remain. For ço moans trembling like a dwarf the hateful ghost.
Abat: Tem als de fora'l vil; y tem que'l poble lo llensi del palau.
Abbot: Fear the vile outsiders; and fear that the people will fill him with the palace.
Livani: Lo poble un dia per deslliurar de bisantins la patria al trono'l
va assentar; mes ara al veure lo seu seguit d'horrors, sent tanta ira
per ell com per Bisanci.
Livani: The people one day to rid the country of Byzantines to the throne settled him; but now to see his succession of horrors, feeling as much anger for him as for Byzantium.
Abat: Y tot ajuda la nostra sort. Si avuy lo poble arrenca á Nicéfor del
trono'ls portals d'Albia ben seguit s'obrirán.
Abbot: And everything helps our luck. If the people pluck Nikephor from the throne, the portals of Albia will soon open.
Livani: Aixó es un somni.
Livani: This is a dream.
Abat: Oh, si Deu permetés que'ls d'aquí dintre s'embestíssin avuy, los
uns per treure del trono á aqueix malvat, volguentlhi'ls altres, y en lo
fort del lluytar, que jo encendría, que'ls de fora escalessin las
murallas!… ja tot fora acabat!
Abbot: Oh, if God would allow them from here to attack each other, some to remove that evil one from the throne, wanting others, and in the fort of the rain, which I would light, that they climb the walls from the outside!... it's all over!
Livani: Contra del monstre lo poble d'Albia avuy pot dividirse: contra
Bisanci no. Jamay la testa l'ajupirán de grat los anatólichs als peus
dels bisantins; qu'ells per estranya tenen sa rassa, ja ho sabéu, y
lliures volen manarse per sa gent mateixa.
Livani: Against the monster the people of Albia avuy can be divided: against Bisanci no. Never will the Anatolians bow their heads willingly at the feet of the Byzantines; how strange they are, I already knew, and free they want to rule themselves for their own people.
Abat: Donchs Nicéfor, qui te?
Abbot: Donchs Nicefor, who are you?
Livani: Segurs, que'l guardin, sos caballers y prou. Si ha volgut
pérdres! Creyentse que ab la por s'abat al poble, á tall d'espasa'l fa
morir á dintre de las presons mateixas, ó estimbantlo de dalt las
torras, ó en lo gorch de Kúrmas ofegantlos á cents!… Y als que perdona
los hi fa treure'l ulls!
Livani: Sure, keep it, you're gentlemen and that's enough. He wanted to lose! Believing that fear is brought down on the people, by the sword he makes them die inside the prisons themselves, or esteeming him from above the towers, or in the gorch of Kúrmas drowning them in hundreds!... And those he forgives, he makes them take their eyes off!
Abat: Es sols Heráclias qui l'ha envilit: ell li ha donat lo trono y ell
li fa perdre. Tinguém calma: venen.
Abbot: It is only Heraclias who has ennobled him: he has given him the throne and he makes him lose. Let's be calm: they're coming.
Escena II
(Abat de Sant Thimur, Livani y Gelassi que ve de la banda esquerra.)
(Abbot of Sant Thimur, Livani and Gelassi who sees the left side.)
Livani: (á Gelassi) Quinas novas portéu?
Livani: (to Gelassi) What novas portéu?
Gelassi: Pena y vergonya fa veure al Emperant.
Gelassi: Shame and embarrassment shows the Emperor.
Livani: Per qué, Gelassi?
Livani: Why, Gelassi?
Gelassi: Plora y demana tremolant que'l dugan fora vila, á bon lloch;
com si la terra per tot no fos perduda! A voltas s'alsa del llit hont
s'arrupeix, y ab veu que aixorda, los cabells erissats, crida que delmin
als fills d'Albia; que's mati hont la sospita hi espurni d'un traydor;
que aquell que gosi á parlar de rendirse al foch se'l llensi. Y'l
sostenen alsat perque cauría, y després tanca'ls ulls, y al llit lo
Gelassi: He cries and asks tremblingly that they dug him out of the village, à bon lloch; as if the land were not lost! At turns he stands by the honest bed, he ruins himself, and sees that he raises his erect hair, he shouts that they delineate the children of Albia; that the suspicion of a traveller spurts out; that he who dares to speak of surrendering to the foch let him loose. And they hold him winged because he fell, and then they close their eyes, and they put him back to bed.
Abat: Jo crech, senyors, que'ls braus capdills que restan fidels al…
Emperant, y al camp de lluyta mostraren tant valor, valor no'l tenen
pera parlar ab cor obert.
Abbot: I believe, gentlemen, that the brave leaders who remain faithful to the... Emperant, and in the field of Lluyta showed so much courage, courage they do not have to speak openly.
Gelassi: M'estranya vostre llenguatje aquí, y no sé compendre…
Gelassi: I'm surprised by your language here, and I don't know how to understand...
Abat: Vuy dir, Gelassi, que á la fi valdría molt més que… l'Emperant á
sas montanyas á peixar s'entornés cabras porugas que no pas per seguir
migradas horas encara al trono, fer més sanch que's vessi.
Abbot: You mean, Gelassi, that in the end it would be worth much more than... the Emperant à sas montanyas a peixar was surrounded by porugas goats that not to continue migrating for hours still to the throne, to do more sanch than to spill.
Gelassi: (estranyant lo llenguatje) Qui sou?
Gelassi: (strangely speaking) Who are you?
Abat: L'Abat de Sant Thimur.
Abbot: The Abbot of St. Thimur.
Gelassi: Al claustre res sabéu d'aquest mon; sino entendríau que'ns cal
lluytar fins á morir per l'home qu'es rassa y llivertat; que du en sas
venas sanch de martre y sanch d'héroe.
Gelassi: In the cloister nothing is known of this world; otherwise you would understand that we must rain until we die for the man who is ravened and liberated; who carries in his veins sanch de martre and sanch de hero.
Livani: (perque no parli l'Abat.) No sabía l'Abat qu'ell devallés…
Livani: (so that the Abbot does not speak.) I didn't know the Abbot qu'el devallés...
Abat: (ab hipocresía) Y donchs que porta Nicéfor sanch d'August…
Abbot: (ab hypocrisy) And donchs worn by Nicéfor sanch d 'August...
Gelassi: Volém que's fassi la voluntat d'un Deu.
Gelassi: We want you to do the will of a God.
Abat: Oh, sempre!
Abbot: Oh, always!
Escena III
(Abat de Sant Thimur, Livani, Gelassi y Demetri que ve de la esquerra.)
(Abbot of Sant Thimur, Livani, Gelassi and Demetri who sees from the left.)
Demetri: Es feta la voluntat de tot un Deu. Ja era hora que l'August
consentís, y ara es segura la victoria per tot.
Demetrius: The will of a whole God is done. It was time for August to consent, and now victory for all is certain.
Gelassi: Y qué es?
Gelassi: And what is it?
Demetri: Heráclias ho ha proposat. (Se senten clarins.) Sentíu?
Demetri: Heraclias proposed it. (They feel like clarions.) Do you feel it?
Abat: Clarins…
Abbot: Clarins...
Demetri: (mirant per una arcada de la dreta.) Al poble sa fa saber lo
que han resolt. Sentimho.
Demetri: (looking for an arcade on the right.) Let the people know what they have resolved. Sorry.
Heralt: (que parla al exterior, banda dreta.) “Albia, l'August crida á
consell la terra. Pobres y richs: de bat á bat las portas se us obren
del palau. Tothom que hi sia, que Bisanci es aprop. Oh, terra, sálvat.”
Heralt: (speaking to the outside, right side.) "Albia, August calls the earth to council. Poor and rich: from bat á bat the doors are opened to you from the palace. Everyone who is there, that Byzantium is approaching. Oh, terra, sálvat.”
Livani: Lo poble aquí?!
Livani: The people here?!
Gelassi: Nicéfor crida al poble!
Gelassi: Nicéfor calls out to the people!
Abat: Ell que á tot'hora l'ha tractat ab ira! Prou se l'entén al
Emperant: vol veure si l'atráu; mes ja es tart.
Abbot: He who at all times has treated him ab ira! The Emperor understands it enough: he wants to see if I attract him; more is already tart.
Livani: (perque dissimuli). Per Deu! S'acosta qui ab Nicéfor més pot!
Livani: (because you are dissimulating). By God! Who ab Nicephorus can get closer!
Abat: (veyentlo arribar.) Lo vil Heráclias.
Abbot: (watching him arrive.) The vile Heracles.
Escena IV
(Abat de Sant Thimur, Livani, Gelassi, Demetri, Heráclias, Theófil y dos
caballers més.)
(Abbot of St. Thimur, Livani, Gelassi, Demetrius, Heraclias, Theophilus and two other knights.)
Theófil: Lo parer l'heu dat vos: es obra vostra.
Theophilus: It seems you have done it: it is your work.
Heráclias: Del Emperant, senyors; sempre aquí dintre tot lo bo, tot lo
excels ho fa Nicéfor; tot lo demés nosaltres.
Heraclias: From the Emperor, gentlemen; always here within all that is good, all that is excellent is done by Nikephoros; everything else is done by us.
Abat: (irónich.) Gloria á Heráclias, l'escut y espasa del Imperi.
Abbot: (ironic.) Glory to Heraclias, the shield and sword of the Empire.
Heráclias: Gloria no més á n'ell, al Emperant. Reflectes som no més de
sa llum.
Heraclias: Glory no more to him, to the Emperor. Reflections we are no longer in your light.
Gelassi: Es perillosa la entrada fins al trono de la xurma.
Gelassi: The entrance to the throne of the shark is dangerous.
Heráclias: Perillosa la xurma! Oh no! Ab la esquerra á cavalls més
estrámpols he fet caure de nassos en la pols. L'August desitja sentir la
veu fins del captayre. Asséures vol en lo trono, y que tothom li duga sa
queixa ab lo front alt. Perque si en massa l'arma no's pren y's fa un
Heracles: Xurma is dangerous! Oh no! I have knocked horses to the left with more stratagems, I have knocked their noses into the dust. August wants to hear the captain's voice. Asséures vol on the throne, and that everyone duga sa complaixa ab lo front alt. Because if in mass the weapon is not taken and it does a va-y-tot!...
Abat: Oh, péndrela contra Bisanci, prou. Perque se salvi l'Emperant… no
ho fará.
Abbot: Oh, hang it against Byzantium, enough. Because the Emperor is saved... he will not do it.
Heráclias: Mes si sas queixas l'Emperant satisfés, qué més voldría
aqueix poble cobart?
Heraclias: Month if you complain about the Emperor satisfying, what more would that cobart people want?
Abat: (sens poderse contenir.) Cobart lo poble?!
Abbot: (unable to contain himself.) Cobart the village?!
Livani: (perque l'Abat comprenga que's descobreix.) Oh, si! Cobart!
Livani: (because the Abbot understands that he discovers himself.) Oh, yeah! Cobart!
Abat: (comprenentho.) Y vil; y més encara.
Abbot: (understanding it.) And vile; and even more so.
(S'ouhen tocar las campanas al lluny.)
(The bells ring far away.)
Heráclias: Las campanas, senyors, que al poble cridan.
Heraclias: The bells, gentlemen, let the people cry out.
Theófil: (á Heráclias y altres.) Si apar un somni!
Theophilus: (to Heraclias and others.) A dream appears!
Gelassi: Es vergonyós!
Gelassi: It's embarrassing!
Demetri: Que's vegi denerit pidolant fins á las xurmas, bombollas que
fa'l llot, qui conseguía sols del poltro ab l'alé esvantar com palla los
estols enemichs!
Demetri: Let's see denerit pidolant up to the xurmas, bubbles that make him llot, who got only from the colt ab l 'alé to lift like a palla the enemy stols!
Abat: (á Heráclias) Tres anys enrera lo coroná Emperant lo desitj
vostre. Ningú fins alashoras d'ell sabía.
Abbot: (to Heracles) Three years ago he crowned him Emperant lo desirej tua. No one until the hours of him knew.
Heráclias: Allá en ma joventut, seguint son pare vaig combatre molt
temps per l'Anatolia, que un altre cop, igual que avuy, la terra cercant
la llivertat s'aixecá ardida. Mes son pare, 'l capdill de nostre poble,
va morir combatent, y quan va alsarse la nissaga altre jorn, jo al fill
vaig tréurel á la llum de la gloria.
Heraclias: There in my youth, following my father, I fought for a long time for Anatolia, that again, just as I did, the earth in search of freedom arose ardent. My father, the leader of our people, died fighting, and when the night fell another day, I brought the son to the light of glory.
Abat: (irónich.) Vos debíau coronarvos per ell.
Abbot: (ironic.) You had to be crowned for him.
Livani: (irónich.) Vos á la patria combatent la heu servit.
Livani: (ironic.) Vos a la patria combatent la hau servit.
Heráclias: (vanitós sempre.) Cert: mes m'enutjan las lloansas á mi.
Heraclias: (always vain.) Certainly: mes me enujan las lloansas a mi.
Abat: Jo la corona la veig en vostre cap.
Abbot: I see the crown in your head.
Heráclias: Oh, no!
Heraclias: Oh, no!
Abat: Qui mana no es l'Emperant…
Abbot: Whoever rules is not the Emperor...
Heráclias: (fingint oféndres.) Es l'Emperant Nicéfor. (Pausa de tothom
que dona rahó al Abat.) Morint son pare's va acabar la lluyta. Ell era
tendre infant, y l'amagárem al cor dels boscos arrencantlo á l'ira dels
bisantins; y entre pastors va creixer.
Heraclias: (feigning offenders.) He is Emperor Nikephoros. (Pause for everyone who gives rahon to the Abbot.) When his father died, the lute ended. He was a tender child, and we hid him in the heart of the woods, plucking him to the wrath of the Byzantines; and he grew up among shepherds.
Abat: Y diuhen que un cop gran, vos presentáreu al davant de Nicéfor…
Abbot: And they say that once you grow up, you will appear before Nicephorus...
Heráclias: Cert.
Heracles: Cert.
Abat: Y's conta qu'era isart, y fugía, com si'ls homes li fessin por.
Abat: Y's conta qu'era isart, and fugía, as if the men were afraid of him.
Heráclias: Lo tracte ab gent senzilla…
Heraclias: I treated him ab gente semplilla...
Abat: Que parlava tot sol y ab la estelada; qu'era com boig.
Abat: That he spoke all alone and ab the starry one; he was like a madman.
Heráclias: L'Abat, quan tot s'enruna qui maldíu del August esmola l'eyna
del traydor.
Heraclias: The Abbot, when everything comes together, whoever curses Augustus grinds the eyna of the traveller.
Abat: Qui es traydor?
Abbot: Who is Traveller?
Heráclias: Tinch la sospita de que vos.
Heraclias: Tinch suspects you.
Abat: Caballer!…
Abbot: Gentleman!…
Livani: (contenint al Abat.) L'Abat!…
Livani: (containing Abat.) L'Abat!...
Theófil: Que's troban los enemichs aprop de las murallas!
Theophile: Let's find the enemies near the walls!
Abat: Traydor? A qui traydor? A vos? Que's diga.
Abbot: Traydor? To whom traveller? To you? Let it be said.
Heráclias: Y si ho fósseu traydor, donéuvos pressa á cavarvos, Abat, la
Heraclias: And if you were a traveller, hurry to dig, Abbot, the grave.