


  1. arm (upper limb)
  2. upper arm; brachium (part of the arm between the elbow and shoulder)
  3. any limb or tentacle
  4. arm (part of an object designed to be used with the arm)
  5. arm (part of an object designed to be used with the arm)
  6. arm (anything that extends out from another thing)
  7. arm (anything that extends out from another thing)
  8. arm (anything that extends out from another thing)
  9. arm (anything that extends out from another thing)
  10. arm (anything that extends out from another thing)
  11. arm (anything that extends out from another thing)
  12. arm (person employed to do manual labour)
  13. arm; might; power

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♂️ Rodzaj męski
Wymawiane jako (IPA)


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