


third-person plural virile past of udać

Dzielone jako
Wymawiane jako (IPA)

  1. to act, to feign (to create a false impression)
  2. to pretend to be (to intentionally act like a person whom one is not)
  3. (obsolete) to denounce (to wrongly accuse)
  4. (obsolete) to share (to give a portion of)
  5. (obsolete) to get rid of, to do away with
  6. (obsolete) to remove
  7. to deceive, to cheat
  8. to work out, to succeed (to finish as intended or expected) [+dative = for whom]
  9. to repair, to head off, to go (to go to a particular place)
  10. (colloquial) to fruit (to have a large output; to mature well)
  11. (colloquial) to turn out alright (to grow into a person who gains acceptance from those around him)
  12. (obsolete) to please (to be enjoyable for someone)
  13. (obsolete) to pretend to be [+ za (accusative) = whom]
  14. (obsolete) to come in handy (to be useful)


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