


third-person singular masculine past of wrócić

Dzielone jako
♂️ Rodzaj męski
Wymawiane jako (IPA)

  1. to come back, to go back, to return (to come or go back) [+ po (accusative) = for what]
  2. to come back, to go back, to return; to turn back (not having reached one's destination, to go back to one's starting point)
  3. to come back, to go back, to return (to reoccur in time)
  4. to come back, to go back, to return (to go back in thought, narration, or argument)
  5. to come back, to go back, to return (to begin engaging with something once again) [+ do (genitive) = to whom/what], [+ na (accusative)] or [+ pod (accusative) = for what]
  6. to come back, to go back, to return (to become someone's property once again) [+ do (genitive)] or [+dative = to whom/what]
  7. to come back, to go back, to return (to regain some lost trait) [+ do (genitive) = to what]
  8. to return (to cause someone to be engaged in something again or to be in a particular state, place in a hierarchy, arrangement or type of activity) [+dative = to whom]
  9. to return (to give something back to its original holder or owner) [+dative = to whom]
  10. (colloquial) to turn back (to cause someone or something to stop moving in a particular direction and start moving in the opposite direction until it finds itself back where it was or was before)
  11. to come back, to return (to come or go back) [+ po (accusative) = for what]
  12. to come back, to return (to repeat in time)
  13. to be returned, to be given back [+dative = to whom]
  14. to rereign (to become ruler of again)
  15. to return, to go back (to go back in thought, narration, or argument)


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" Dopiero   o
  świcie   wrócił   z

"It was only at dawn that he returned from reconnaissance."

Wleciał   pomiędzy   nich , zdyszany  i
  zakurzony . - Weedon  wrócił  stwierdziła sędzina.

He flew between them, breathless and dusty. “Weedon's back,” the judge said.
