


genitive singular of program

Dzielone jako
♂️ Rodzaj męski
Wymawiane jako (IPA)

  1. program (a set of structured activities; a plan of action)
  2. program (list of goals of an organization)
  3. program (a leaflet listing information about a play, game or other activity)
  4. program (a performance of a show or other broadcast on radio or television)
  5. program (list of information relating to broadcasts)
  6. program (set of broadcasts)
  7. program (range of information a teacher teaches)
  8. program (a software application, or a collection of software applications, designed to perform a specific task)
  9. program (set of actions determined by a computer program)
  10. program (extra-musical element, e.g. a literary text, a painting to which the composer of a musical piece refers, signaling it in its title, playing a fundamental role in the listener's interpretation of the piece)
  11. program (series of elements of a play, performance, etc., following each other in a specific order)


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Ćwicz mówienie i zapamiętywanie " programu " oraz wielu innych słów i zdań w polski .

Przejdź do naszej strony kursu polski
Za   miastem  odbyło  się   wszystko   według   programu .

Outside the city, everything took place according to the program.
