


third-person singular present of przychodzić

Dzielone jako
Wymawiane jako (IPA)

  1. to come, to arrive (moving on foot, to get to a certain place)
  2. to come, to arrive (moving on foot, to get to a certain place)
  3. to come, to arrive (moving on foot, to get to a certain place)
  4. (colloquial) to come, to arrive (moving on foot, to get to a certain place)
  5. (obsolete) to come, to arrive (moving on foot, to get to a certain place)
  6. to get (to acquire a specific mental or physical condition) [+ do (genitive) = (int) what]
  7. to come (to start to take place)
  8. (colloquial) to come (to start to take place)
  9. to take (to start to be felt by a person) [+dative = whom]
  10. to come (to be able to be achieved) [+dative = to whom] [+ z (genitive) = at what]
  11. to come to; to have to [+dative = subject], [+infinitive = to what], [+ na (accusative) = to what]


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