


Wymawiane jako (IPA)

  1. issue, affair, matter, business, thing (something which needs to be taken care of or resolved, or area of interest)
  2. case (legal proceeding) [+ przeciw (dative)] or [+ przeciwko (dative) = against whom], [+ o (accusative) = what kind of case]
  3. cause (difficult, important, or lofty task)
  4. matter (approximate amount or extent)
  5. (obsolete) order
  6. (obsolete) doing; action, deed
  7. (obsolete) behavior
  8. (obsolete) result, effect
  9. (obsolete) cultivation
  10. (obsolete) insides, organs, entrails
  11. (obsolete) ability to do something
  12. (obsolete) ability to do something
  13. (obsolete) ability to do something
  14. (obsolete) account, report
  15. (obsolete) account (registry of pecuniary transactions)
  16. (obsolete) chemical process
  17. (obsolete) act (division of a theatrical performance)
  18. (obsolete) sex
  19. (obsolete) battle, fight, war


  1. to cause, to make happen
  2. to give; to inflict; to cause
  3. to buy
  4. to handle, to manage


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