

  1. measure (unit of measurement)
  2. measure (device for measuring)
  3. measure, measurement (amount of something as ascertained by measuring)
  4. measure, measurement (size of something as ascertained by measuring)
  5. measure, measurement (number, intensity, scale, or intensity of someone or something as ascertained by measuring)
  6. measure (standard against which something can be judged; a criterion)
  7. measure (moderation, temperance) [+ w (locative) = with what]
  8. measure (level or degree of perfection)
  9. try-on (act of trying on clothing to see if it fits)
  10. measure (manner of ordering and combining the quantities, or long and short syllables; meter; rhythm; hence, a metrical foot)
  11. (obsolete) reason, cause
  12. (obsolete) a type of disease
  13. state, situation
  14. way (manner)
  15. measure (manner of assessing a situation)
  16. measure; Further details are uncertain.

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