


  1. wave (rise in water caused by wind or underwater seismic movements)
  2. wave, surge (intensification of some phenomena)
  3. (obsolete) wave, surge (intensification of some phenomena)
  4. wave, surge (very large number of people gathered in some place and constantly moving somewhere)
  5. wave, surge (sudden appearance of intense feelings and sensations)
  6. wave (moving disturbance in the energy level of a field)
  7. wave; curl (hairstyle resembling a wave)
  8. bullying (teasing from a higher grade to a lower grade in school, etc.)
  9. time remaining until the end of military service
  10. soldiers from a singular draft
  11. wave (moving disturbance, undulation)
  12. wave (moving disturbance in a field)
  13. wave (sudden, but temporary, uptick in something)
  14. crowd, wave (large group of people)

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Rozpocznij naukę polski z learnfeliz .

Ćwicz mówienie i zapamiętywanie " fala " oraz wielu innych słów i zdań w polski .

Przejdź do naszej strony kursu polski
  wpół   do   drugiej   nad ranem  posłyszałem  nagle   szum   wody , nadchodziła  fala

At half past two in the morning, I suddenly heard the sound of water, a flood wave was coming.

Gdym  był   na   środku   tamy , nadbiegła  druga   fala
 powodzi  i
 rozstrzaskała  się   o
  belkowanie .

When I was in the middle of the dam, a second wave of flooding came and shattered against the beam.

Kulawiec   końcem   kija  zmacał  pogięty   jak   fala
  kark  zwiniętej  w
  kłębek  dziwożony.

With the end of his stick, the lame man felt his neck curled up like a wave, curled into a carved ball.
