


past participle of opnemen


  1. to pick up, to raise
  2. to pick up or answer (the phone or horn)
  3. to take in, to admit, to reserve a spot for
  4. to record
  5. to snap (a photo), shoot (a film)
  6. to eyeball, to look at
  7. to observe or measure (result)
  8. to begin, to initiate


Rozpocznij naukę niderlandzki z learnfeliz .

Ćwicz mówienie i zapamiętywanie " opgenomen " oraz wielu innych słów i zdań w niderlandzki .

Przejdź do naszej strony kursu niderlandzki
Niets   daarvan   is   in   de   strategie   opgenomen .

None of that has been incorporated into the strategy.

Ik   merk op   dat   de   ratificatie   van   dat   handvest   in   het  regeringsprogramma  is   opgenomen .

I should therefore like to point out that the ratification of the Charter for Minority Languages referred to is indeed an element of the government' s programme.
