

third-person singular accusative of jis

♂️ Rodzaj męski

he, it (third-person masculine singular pronoun)


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Ćwicz mówienie i zapamiętywanie " jį " oraz wielu innych słów i zdań w litewski .

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 augino  močiutė .

He was raised by his grandmother.

Ir   ta   proga
   pasveikino visi varžybų  dalyviai .

And on that occasion, he was congratulated by all the participants in the competition.

Per    Maskvos  ir   Lietuvos  disidentai palaikė ryšį  su  Vakarais.

Through it, the dissidents of Moscow and Lithuania kept in touch with the West.

 įsūnijo  antros  kartos  dėdė   Klaudijus   ir  padarė  savo  įpėdiniu.

He was adopted by Uncle Claudius of the second generation and made his successor.

Pagerbdami vadą gotai palaidojo   kape.

In honour of the commander, the Goths buried him in the grave.

Dėkingi vietinio "Kuršių jachtų klubo" sportininkai išrinko   klubo garbės nariu.

The grateful athletes of the local "Curonian Yacht Club" elected him as an honorary member of the club.

 visų pusių   juosia nedidelė  pelkė   ir   upelis .

It is surrounded on all sides by a small swamp and a stream.
