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Só recentemente empezaron a facerse grandes progresos na comprensión da súa función .
It is only recently that great progress has been made in understanding its function.
Recentemente a industria téxtil e a informática tamén colleron pulo .
Recently the textile and computer industry has also picked up momentum.
A especie foi recentemente reintroducida nos Países Baixos
e en Baviera con éxito.
The species has recently been reintroduced into the Netherlands and Bavaria successfully.
Pouco despois uniríaa á recentemente creada República de Sonora proclamándose presidente .
Soon after, he joined the newly created Sonoran Republic and became president.
Son 🔉 moi interesantes un 🅰️ conxunto de táboas góticas que foron recentemente restauradas.
Very interesting are a set of Gothic tables that have been recently restored.
Esta decisión xerou incomodidade nos recentemente unificados territorios do sur .
This decision has generated discomfort in the recently unified southern territories.