Słowa i zdania
The fifteenth letter of the Portuguese alphabet, written in the Latin script.
- space:
- space:
- space:
- space:
- space:
- space:
- Ellipsis of espaço pessoal (“personal freedom”).
- Ellipsis of barra de espaço.
- of (in relation to)
- of (in relation to)
- of (in relation to)
- of (in relation to)
- of (in relation to)
- of (in relation to)
- of (in relation to)
- of (in relation to)
- of (in relation to)
- of; -en (made or consisting of)
- of; -en (made or consisting of)
- of; -en (made or consisting of)
- of; -en (made or consisting of)
- of (introduces the noun that applies a given adjective or past participle)
- from (born in or coming out of)
- by means of; by
- as (in the role of)
- in (wearing)
- parking (action)
- car park
third-person singular present indicative of ser
- only; just; merely (no more than)
- barely (by a small margin)
- for (directed at, intended to belong to or to be appropriate for)
- indicates application of an adjective; to
- to; so; in order to (indicates purpose)
- towards; to; in the direction of (indicates destination)
- introduces the location, direction or context that applies to a verb
- to (to the value of)
- in the opinion of
- about to; soon to be (indicates that something will happen soon)
plural of cliente