Who does not like our furry friends? Let's see what some of the animals are called.
De eigener hat oanjefte dien en de bistedokter hat it
hynder 🐴 ûndersocht.
The owner filed a report and the vet examined the horse.
Guon diersoarten binne hurd oan 🔛 it
Some animal species are rapidly disappearing.
Op 🆙 de Ballastplaat komme in 🅰️ soad trekfûgels.
Many migratory birds come to the Ballastplaat.
De plysje 👮 hat woansdeitemoarn trije 3 fiskstreupers oanholden.
The police arrested three fish poachers on Wednesday morning.
Wat de natuer oangiet, is it
in 🅰️ grutte ferearming.
As for nature, it is a great impoverishment.
Wat de natoer oangiet, is it
in 🅰️ grutte ferearming.
As for nature, it is a great impoverishment.
De measte rassen yn dizze groep hawwe in 🅰️ soad lichemsbeweging nedich.
Most breeds in this group need a lot of body movement.
Ik kom hjir faak om te skilderjen, omdat wy hjir hynsteride.
I often come here to paint, because we ride horses here.
In 🅰️ hynder 🐴 yn 'e stap hellet in 🅰️ hurddraver wol yn .
A horse in stride will catch up with a fast runner.
De polysje hat woansdeitemoarn trije 3 fiskstreupers oanholden.
The police arrested three fish poachers on Wednesday morning.
Ottermantsjes meitsje hiel wat kilometers op 🆙 siik 🤢 nei wyfkes.
Male otters travel quite a few kilometers to search for females.
Aaisykje yn de betide maitiid is ien 1 fan syn grutte passys.
Looking for eggs in the early spring is one of his great passions.
Yn de measte gefallen wurdt in 🅰️ útfleine bijeswaarm troch in 🅰️ ymker opheind.
In most cases, a swarm of bees that has flown out is picked up by a beekeeper.