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At the restaurant

I'm hungry! Let's order some food and get ourselves a drink.

Pilav  yiyen kaşığını  yanında  taşır.

Those who eat rice carry their spoon with them.

Üstelik   torun   sahibi   kadın
 polisin  kumar   ve   içki  sorunları  da  vardır.

Moreover, the granddaughter police officer also has gambling and drinking problems.

 sapını  kesmez .

The knife does not cut the handle.

Kemal   hala  köşede duruyor,  fakat  barın kapısına dikkatle bakıyordu.

Kemal was still standing in the corner, but he was looking carefully at the door of the bar.

 taşınca kepçeye  paha   olmaz .

When the food is overflowing, the ladle is not priceless.

Restoran   sahibi   ve  çalışanları  ölüm  komplo teorisyenlerinden tehditleri almıştır.

The restaurant owner and his employees received threats from death conspiracy theorists.

  mutfağı   kara  iklimiyle  son   derece  uyumlu.

Kosovo's cuisine is very compatible with its continental climate.

  hafta   sonra  bitecek  olan   lokanta  karnesini yenileyecek  kadar   bile  param kalmamıştı.

I didn't even have enough money to renew the restaurant report card, which would be finished in a week.