For language fanatics, let's learn something about other languages than the Northern Kurdish (Kurmancî) language.

Bi  wergera Joomla!

With the translation of Joomla!

Şaş bû  û  axaftina  xwe  wiha  domand .

He was confused and continued his speech like this.

Serxwebûnek  bi   ziman , destpêka serxwebûna  siyasî  ye.

Language independence is the beginning of political independence.

Gotineke Ustad Saîdê  Kurdî  heye.

There is a quote by Ustad Said Kurdish.

Li ser  rewşa xerab a girtiyan daxuyaniyek  dan .

They made a statement about the bad condition of the prisoners.

Li  herêmê pirraniya navên cografîk  bi   Kurdî   û   Ermenî

Most of the geographic names in the region are in Kurdish and Armenian.

Helepçe navê mirinê, komkujiya Kurdan  û  qetilkirina mafê mirovan e.

Halabja is the name of death, massacre of Kurds and killing of human rights.

Letters and language