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Who does not like our furry friends? Let's see what some of the animals are called.

Hespê boz dibeze.

The gray horse is running.

 daketiye  gund .

The bear has come down to the village.

Pezê we heye?

Do you have a sheep?

Beqa avê qurequrê dike.

The frog swallows the water.

Kevokê  ji  mişkê xwest torê veke.

The pigeon asked the mouse to open the net.

Vîrus dikare  belav  bibe tevahiya organên mirîşkan.

The virus can spread to all organs of the chicken.

Walê dixuye ko  gelek  xemxwar e  û  misîbetin   qewimîne.

The whale seems to be very worried and misfortunes have happened.