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The world

Let's talk about the world and the nations and places within it in the Galician language.

Está  situado  ao   oeste   do país .

It is located in the west of the country.

Viaxou   por   Europa   e   América .

He traveled throughout Europe and America.

Neses  anos   viaxou   bastante   por   Europa   e   América .

In those years he traveled extensively throughout Europe and the Americas.

Xogaba   de  defensa  e   foi   internacional   coa   selección   española .

He played defense and was international with the Spanish national team.

Está  situado  na   Rexión   Suroeste   do   pais .

It is located in the Southwest Region of the country.

Dende   hai   catro
  anos  dedícase  ás   cidades   máis   importantes   do   mundo

For the past four years, we have been dedicated to the most important cities in the world.

Foi   o   primeiro
  presidente  reelixido  e   o   primeiro
  comunista   nomeado   presidente   do país .

He was the first re-elected president and the first communist to be appointed president of the country.

  internacional   coa   selección   nixeriana .

It is international with the Nigerian national team.

As   outras   illas   do   grupo  clasifícanse  como   norte   ou   sur   do   Continente .

The other islands in the group are classified as either north or south of the continent.

E , nese  caso , dígame  vostede , ¿desconfían  tamén   dos   socialistas   de   Madrid ?

And, in that case, you tell me, do you also distrust the socialists of Madrid?

Anteriormente ocupaba  o   andar
 inferior  da   actual  Facultade  de   Xeografía   e   Historia .

Previously it occupied the lower floor of the current Faculty of Geography and History.

Logrou  fuxir   a   Portugal
  e  refuxiouse  no   norte   do país .

He managed to escape to Portugal and took refuge in the north of the country.

  investigadora   principal   de  varios proxectos  nacionais   e   internacionais .

She is a principal investigator of several national and international projects.

Miren , señorías,  non sei   como se   atreven   a   ir   polo   rural .

Look, ladies and gentlemen, I don't know how you dare to go out into the country.

  reforma   que   permitirá   cubrir   os  requisitos  de  ocupación  dos   máis  grandes  artistas   internacionais .

A reform that will make it possible to cover the occupancy requirements of the biggest international artists.

Posteriormente  actuou  en  solitario  e   obtivo   grande  popularidade  en  toda  Europa .

He later went on to perform solo and achieved great popularity throughout Europe.

Nos   últimos   anos   o   país   estivo   baixo  escándalos  de   corrupción   que  frearon  á   economía .

In recent years, the country has been plagued by corruption scandals that have hampered the economy.

  doutora   en   Ciencias   Xeolóxicas   pola   Universidade   do País  Vasco .

She holds a doctorate in geological sciences from the University of the Basque Country.

Distribúese  pola   rexión   mediterránea .

It is distributed by the Mediterranean region.

 licenciado  en   Xornalismo   pola   Universidade   do País  Vasco .

He holds a degree in journalism from the University of the Basque Country.

Sita  na   rexión  antigamente  chamada  Hispania  Nova .

It is located in the region formerly called Hispania Nova.

Comezou  disputándose  con  equipos privados  e   coas  regras  da   Federación   Internacional   do   Automóbil .

He began by contending with private teams and with the rules of the International Automobile Federation.

Estudou  Maxisterio  e  licenciouse  en   Xeografía   e   Historia .

He studied Magisterium and graduated in Geography and History.

Considérase  a   Ledesma   como   o   centro  neurálxico  ou  capital  do   territorio .

Ledesma is considered to be the neuralgic center or capital of the territory.

 crise  espiritual  agudizouse  e  refuxiouse  na  literatura  para   expresar   o   colapso   do   mundo

The spiritual crisis intensified and he took refuge in literature to express the collapse of the world.

Esta  iniciativa  permitirá  situar  a  capital  ourensá   na  vangarda  das   novas  tecnoloxías.

This initiative will place the capital of Ourense at the forefront of new technologies.

  considerado   unha
  das  personalidades  máis  eminentes  e  influentes  da  cinematografía mundial.

He is considered one of the most eminent and influential personalities in world cinematography.

  Orde   ten  organizado  exposicións   de   diferentes   pintores   galegos   en   Madrid   e  presentacións  literarias .

The Order has organized exhibitions of different Galician painters in Madrid and literary presentations.

Participou   en   diversas   publicacións   colectivas   xunto   co   Grupo  Bilbao  de   poetas   galegos   en   Madrid .

He has participated in several collective publications together with the Bilbao Group of Galician poets in Madrid.

Estaba   dirixido   por  Luís  Tato   Vento   e   nel   colaboraban   socialistas   como  France García García.

It was directed by Luis Tato Vento and collaborated with socialists such as France García García.