For language fanatics, let's learn something about other languages than the Galician language.
A miña maneira de escribir ✍️ fundamental é moi próxima deste «acontecer».
My way of writing is very close to this' happening '.
Digo isto con algunha seriedade.
I say this with some seriousness.
Todo este proceso terá as súas repercusións na literatura.
This whole process will have its repercussions on the literature.
Estudou dereito e filosofía e letras na Universidade de Barcelona.
He studied law and philosophy and letters at the University of Barcelona.
Aquelas palabras saíron con vacilación.
Those words came out hesitantly.
O seu interese especial foi para moitas linguas indoeuropeas.
His special interest was for many Indo-European languages.
É profesor 🧑🏫 de lingua 👅 e literatura galega .
He is a professor of Galician language and literature.
Pode ser considerada unha 🅰️ lingua 👅 tanto lóxica como filosófica .
It can be considered a logical as well as a philosophical language.
Este proceso continuou na escrita demótica.
This process continued in Demotic writing.
Penso , mirándote, que debería aprender chinés 🇨🇳/🇲🇴 mandarín .
I think, looking at you, I should learn Mandarin Chinese.
Os idiomas foron unha 🅰️ parte importante da educación de Constantino.
Languages were an important part of Constantine's education.
E aínda por riba enriqueces o teu vocabulario e falas cada vez ⌚ mellor .
And even above that you enrich your vocabulary and speak better and better.
Todos fixeron referencia ás promesas incumpridas do actual presidente da Xunta .
They all made reference to the broken promises made by the current Chairman of the Board.
Hai galego na literatura e nas artes plásticas.
There is Galician in literature and the fine arts.
'Rexeitamento do novo mapa sanitario'.
'Rejection of the new health map'.
As linguas oficiais son 🔉 o neerlandés e o frisón.
The official languages are Dutch and Frisian.
Colaborou en varias publicacións con artigos catalanistas.
He has collaborated in a number of publications with Catalan articles.
Profesora de Lingüística Indoeuropea na Universidade de Salamanca.
Professor of Indo-European Linguistics at the University of Salamanca.
A partir de aí restrinxiuse a letra dominical nas táboas de Pascua .
From there the Sunday lettering was restricted on the Easter tables.
A crise espiritual agudizouse e refuxiouse na literatura para expresar o colapso do mundo 🗺️ .
The spiritual crisis intensified and he took refuge in literature to express the collapse of the world.
O acerto fundamental desta linguaxe é que logra un 🅰️ equilibrio entre simplicidade e flexibilidade .
The key point of this language is that it strikes a balance between simplicity and flexibility.
Dedicouse á literatura e ó xornalismo e desenvolveu tamén unha 🅰️ labor empresarial.
He devoted himself to literature and journalism and also developed a business career.
Os primeiros episodios emitíronse dobrados do catalán e despois directamente en castelán .
The first episodes were broadcast dubbed from Catalan and then directly in Spanish.