Family is where life begins, and love never ends. So here is a collection specially created to address your family.
Tamén atende á organización e funcionamento do réxime interior da residencia da Familia 👪 Real .
It also takes care of the organization and operation of the internal regime of the Royal Family's residence.
A súa nai 👩🍼 traballaba como camareira e vendedora.
Her mother worked as a waitress and saleswoman.
Ese patrón de recoñecemento individual é herdanza dos proxenitores.
This pattern of individual recognition is inherited from the parents.
Era fillo dun médico 🧑⚕️ e profesor 🧑🏫 de instituto aragonés e de nai 👩🍼 navarra .
He was the son of an Aragonese doctor and high school teacher and a Navarre mother.
A súa filla é a poeta e xornalista Xiana Arias.
Her daughter is the poet and journalist Xiana Arias.
Era filla do musicólogo Antonio Iglesias.
She was the daughter of musicologist Antonio Iglesias.
Andrés Iniesta naceu no seo dunha familia 👪 traballadora .
Andrés Iniesta was born into a working-class family.
Na actualidade recoñécense n a familia 👪 os seguintes xéneros .
The following genera are currently recognized in the family.
Influíu cientificamente para a adopción do concepto taxonómico de familia 👪 .
It was scientifically influential for the adoption of the taxonomic concept of family.
Inocencio recompensou ao seu sobriño Ludovico nomeándoo marqués e conde 🔢 de Fermo.
Innocent rewarded his nephew Ludovico by appointing him Marquis and Count of Fermo.