The yellow sun 🌞, the brown girl 👧🏽 and a red apple 🍎. Let's talk about colors in Galician.
Este lugar parece deserto 🏜️ .
This place looks like a desert.
Os ollos do enfermo 🤢 reviviron.
The sick man's eyes revived.
As patas son 🔉 completamente rosadas.
The legs are completely pink.
Características da súa obra son 🔉 o emprego de cores rechamantes.
Features of his work are the use of eye-catching colors.
Son 🔉 propios da plataforma e o noiro continental .
I am the owner of the platform and the mainland noir.
Declaracións de Feijóo na presentación do distintivo bandeira verde .
Feijóo's statements in the presentation of the distinctive green flag.
Caracterízase polos seus ollos de iris esbrancuxado.
It is characterized by its bleached iris eyes.
Finalmente , realizarase a reintegración cromática das lagoas existentes .
Finally, the chromatic reintegration of the existing lagoons will be carried out.