


  1. to receive, to accept (to take that what someone gives) [+ od (genitive) = from whom]
  2. to receive, to accept (to agree to; to consider or deem good)
  3. to receive, to accept (to be the recepient of some words and react to them positively) [+ od (genitive) = from whom]
  4. to receive, to take (to be the object or participant of someone else's actions, i.e. a hit)
  5. (colloquial) to receive (to react to passing the ball or puck in a manner appropriate to the rules and purpose of a given game)
  6. to take on (to agree to allow someone to work somewhere)
  7. to receive, to take in (to accept as a guest) [+instrumental = with what]
  8. to receive, to take (i.e. of a doctor etc., to agree to see and converse with)
  9. to receive, to take in (i.e. of a hospital, to agree to give services to)
  10. to receive, to take in (to allow temporary or permanent stay to i.e. refugees)
  11. to absorb, to take in, to soak up
  12. to take in (to give one's body some medicinal agent)
  13. to take (to react to something in a particular way)
  14. to receive, to accept (to accept something by voting or in another formally established way)
  15. to take; to accept (to accept a particular view as true (even though it is not confirmed) and proceed as if it were true)
  16. to take (to consider; to ascribe certain characteristics, to regard) [+ za (accusative) = ] or [+ jako (accusative) = as what]
  17. to take on (to assume i.e. responsibility)
  18. to take on (to begin to have the certain qualities)
  19. mistranslation of Latin suscipient
  20. to admit; to allow; Further details are uncertain.
  21. to catch on (to become popular, widely used, or widely recognized)
  22. to take root
  23. to be accepted (to become one with an organism after transplanting)
  24. to be taken; to take, to take hold (to make someone's body resistant to something)
  25. to be hired, to be taken on [+ do (genitive) = to what place]
  26. to catch on, to be received (to be accepted in a new environment)

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"Voordat de huishoudsters rustten, arriveerden gasten; dus moesten ze zich haasten om zich te haasten om ze te accepteren."
