


third-person plural masculine personal past of chodzić

Afgebroken als
♂️ Mannelijk
Uitgesproken als (IPA)

  1. to walk (to move by means of one's feet)
  2. to climb (to go up something) [+ po (locative) = what]
  3. to go, to frequent (to regularly participate in an activity) [+infinitive = to do what] [+ na (accusative) = for what]
  4. to go in; to wear (to go in a particular vestment) [+ w (locative) = what]
  5. (colloquial) to go out with, to date (to be in a romantic relationship with someone) [+ z (instrumental) = with whom]
  6. to go (to continuously or habitually be in a state)
  7. (colloquial) to go (to follow a particular route)
  8. (colloquial) to work [+ na (locative) = on a source of power]
  9. (colloquial) to bob, to throb, to tremble (to move beyond one's volition) [+dative = whom]
  10. to be felt on the body
  11. to spread (to disseminate; to proliferate, to become widely known or present)
  12. (colloquial) to get stuck in one's head (to remain constantly in one's thoughts and memories) [+ za (instrumental) = whom]
  13. (colloquial) to be an object of desire for someone
  14. to go for (to visit a particular location to finish a particular task or to acquire a particular thing) [+ za (instrumental) = what]
  15. to tend to, to care for, to take care of [+ koło (genitive) = to/for/of whom/what]
  16. to mean, to be on about; to have in mind [+dative = who, i.e. the subject of the English sentence] [+ o (accusative) = (about) who or what/what in mind]
  17. (colloquial) to go for, to cost (to be offered to sell for a certain price) [+ po (accusative) = how much]
  18. (obsolete) to go for a walk, to stroll
  19. (obsolete) to participate in an excursion against someone, to war with [+ na (accusative) = against whom]
  20. to act, to behave
  21. to obey
  22. to be pregnant
  23. to court, to romance
  24. to swim
  25. to reach
  26. to have some status of functioning or use guaranteed by a contract or agreement
  27. to be governed


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