


  1. A place where nursing (“breastfeeding”) or the raising of children is carried on.
  2. A place where nursing (“breastfeeding”) or the raising of children is carried on.
  3. A place where nursing (“breastfeeding”) or the raising of children is carried on.
  4. A place where anything is fostered and growth promoted.
  5. A place where anything is fostered and growth promoted.
  6. A place where anything is fostered and growth promoted.
  7. A place where anything is fostered and growth promoted.
  8. Something which educates and nurtures.
  9. Short for nursery cannon (“a carom shot involving balls that are very close together”).
  10. (obsolete) Someone or something that is nursed; a nursling.
  11. (obsolete) The act of nursing or rearing.

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  Gurdwara   may   also   have   a
  library nursery and   classroom .

Een Gurdwara kan ook een bibliotheek, kinderkamer en klaslokaal hebben.
