


  1. Government department, at the administrative level normally headed by a minister (or equivalent rank, e.g. secretary of state), who holds it as portfolio, especially in a constitutional monarchy, but also as a polity
  2. The complete body of government ministers (whether or not they are in cabinet) under the leadership of a head of government (such as a prime minister)
  3. A ministration
  4. The active practice and education of the minister of a particular religion or faith.
  5. The clergy of nonapostolic Protestant churches.
  6. Work of a spiritual or charitable nature.

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Oefen met het spreken en onthouden van " ministry " en vele andere woorden en zinnen in Engels .

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The   order   was   administered   and   awarded   the   Ministry   of   Veterans   and   War   Victims .

De bestelling werd beheerd en toegekend het ministerie van Veteranen en War -slachtoffers.
