


  1. An institution which holds books and/or other forms of media for use by the public or qualified people often lending them out, as well as providing various other services for its users.
  2. Any institution that lends out its goods for use by the public or a community.
  3. A collection of books or other forms of stored information.
  4. An equivalent collection of analogous information in a non-printed form, e.g. record library.
  5. A room dedicated to storing books.
  6. A collection of software routines that provide functionality to be incorporated into or used by a computer program.
  7. A collection of DNA material from a single organism or relative to a single disease.
  8. The deck or draw pile.

Uitgesproken als (IPA)


Begin met het leren van Engels met learnfeliz .

Oefen met het spreken en onthouden van " library " en vele andere woorden en zinnen in Engels .

Ga naar onze cursuspagina Engels
  library   was   also   established   at that   time
  and   other   minor   changes   were   made .

Op dat moment werd ook een bibliotheek vastgesteld en er werden andere kleine wijzigingen aangebracht.

  Gurdwara   may   also   have   a
  library nursery and   classroom .

Een Gurdwara kan ook een bibliotheek, kinderkamer en klaslokaal hebben.

Polk   Township   residents   may   also   use   the   Western  Pocono  Community   Library   situated   in  Brodheadsville.

Inwoners van Polk Township kunnen ook de Western Pocono Community Library gebruiken in Brodheadsville.
